Sequence Length Warmup

alternate text

Tags: Method, Autoregressive Language Modeling, Masked Language Modeling, NLP, Warmup, Curriculum, Speedup, Decreased Wall Clock Time


Sequence Length Warmup warms up the sequence length (number of tokens) from a min_seq_length to a max_seq_length over some duration of training. The underlying motivation is that sequence length is a proxy for the difficulty of an example. Sequence Length Warmup is able to reduce training time by ~1.5x while still achieving the same loss as baseline models.


  • duration - The fraction of training that the warmup should be applied for.

  • min_seq_length - The initial sequence length.

  • max_seq_length - The final sequence length. Used for the rest of training.

  • step_size - The number of tokens to increase the sequence length by at each step. Multiples of 8 are preferred in order to enable hardware acceleration.

  • truncate - How the sequence length adjustment is achieved. False reshapes the data tensor, creating new samples out of the extra tokens. True truncates the tensor, discarding the extra tokens.

Applicable Settings

Sequence Length Warmup as implemented in Composer applies to language modeling tasks, including autoregressive language modeling and masked language modeling.


Our experiments found that Sequence Length Warmup could speed up training by a factor of ~1.5x while achieving the same loss. The original authors of the paper claim that Sequence Length Warmup reduces the outliers in Adam’s (Kingma and Ba) variance term, which permits training on larger batch sizes and larger learning rates without divergence.

Implementation Details

Warmup Implementation

We implement this as a processing step during the forward pass, where we can either:

  1. Truncate the tensor at the sequence length specified by the warmup schedule.

  2. Reshape the tensor to the sequence length specified by the warmup, which allocates the extra tokens along the batch dimension.

Example when truncate = True and seq_len = 8 :

Original Input (2 samples):

We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills.

It is for these reasons that I regard the decision last year to shift our efforts in space from low to high gear as among the most important decisions that will be made during my incumbency in the office of the Presidency.

Transformed Inputs (2 samples):

We choose to go to the moon.

It is for these reasons that I regard

Example when truncate = False and seq_len = 8 :

Original Input (2 samples):

We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge
It is for these reasons that I regard the decision last year to shift our efforts in space from low to high gear as among the most important decisions that will be made during my incumbency in the office of the Presidency.

Transformed Inputs (14 samples):

We choose to go to the moon.
We choose to go to the moon in
this decade and do the other things
not because they are easy, but because
they are hard, because that goal will
serve to organize and measure the best of
our energies and skills, because that challenge

It is for these reasons that I regard
the decision last year to shift our efforts
in space from low to high gear as
among the most important decisions that will be
made during my incumbency in the office
of the Presidency. In the last 24
hours we have seen facilities now being created

Avoiding Out-Of-Memory Errors

Sequence Length Warmup starts with a small sequence length and gradually increases it. However, as a result, it constantly requires PyTorch to expand its memory cache allocation with new buffers as larger tensor sizes are consistently being streamed in.

In order to address this we create dummy inputs to the model, perform a forward and backward pass, and zero out the gradients. We do this without taking any scheduler or optimization steps. This permits PyTorch to allocate buffers for the maximum possible sequence length, and help avoid downstream out-of-memory errors.

Suggested Hyperparameters

We swept the duration from 0.0 to 0.9 in increments of 0.1 across the GPT-2 52M model, and found that running the sequence length warmup for 30% of training leads to the fastest wall clock time to reach the same loss. This corroborates the suggested hyperparameters in the paper,


Sequence length warmup is a form of curriculum learning, a category of techniques that present samples in a structured or organized order, such as by difficulty. Accordingly, it may compose poorly with other curriculum learning techniques such as batch-size warmup, which is used in the GPT-3 paper.


This method composes well with ALiBi (Press et al., 2021), a method that enables good extrapolation from shorter training sequence lengths to longer evaluation sequence lengths.


Curriculum Learning: A Regularization Method for Efficient and Stable Billion-Scale GPT Model Pre-Training by Conglong Li, Minjia Zhang, and Yuxiong He. Posted to arXiv in 2021.


class composer.algorithms.seq_length_warmup.SeqLengthWarmup(duration: float = 0.3, min_seq_length: int = 8, max_seq_length: int = 1024, step_size: int = 8, truncate: bool = True)[source]

Progressively increases the sequence length during training.

Changes the sequence length of all tensors in the input batch. The sequence length increases from min_seq_length to max_seq_length in steps of step_size during the first duration fraction of training.

The sequence length is then kept at max_seq_length for the rest of training.

Tensors are either truncated (truncate=True) or reshaped to create new examples from the extra tokens (truncate=False).


step_size should be a multiple of eight for GPUs


Variable input lengths can create CUDA OOM errors. To avoid this, we follow PyTorch notes and pre-allocate the memory with a blank forward and backward pass.

  • duration (float) – fraction of total training for sequential length learning.

  • min_seq_length (int) – Minimum sequence length to start the warmup.

  • max_seq_length (int) – Maximum sequence length to stop the warmup.

  • step_size (int) – Step size of sequence length.

  • truncate (bool) – Truncate tensors or reshape extra tokens to new examples

apply(event: composer.core.event.Event, state: composer.core.state.State, logger: composer.core.logging.logger.Logger) Optional[int][source]

Applies on Event.TRAINING_START to allocate PyTorch cache, or Event.AFTER_DATALOADER to apply the sequence length warmup to the input batch.

  • event (Event) – The current event.

  • state (State) – The current state.

  • logger (Logger) – A logger to use for logging algorithm-specific metrics.


int or None – exit code that is stored in Trace and made accessible for debugging.

match(event: composer.core.event.Event, state: composer.core.state.State) bool[source]

Sequence Length Warmup matches on two events:

  1. Event.TRAINING_START in order to run a blank forward and backward pass and allocate PyTorch cache.

  2. Event.AFTER_DATALOADER in order to apply the sequence length warmup before the forward pass.

  • event (Event) – The current event.

  • state (State) – The current state.


bool – True if this algorithm should run now.

class composer.algorithms.seq_length_warmup.apply_seq_length_warmup(batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], curr_seq_len: int, truncate: bool)[source]

Progressively increases the sequence length during training.

Changes the sequence length of all tensors in the provided dictionary to curr_seq_len, by either truncating the tensors (truncate=True) or reshaping the tensors to create new examples from the extra tokens (truncate=False).

The schedule for curr_seq_len over training time should be managed out of this function.

  • batch – The input batch to the model, must be a dictionary.

  • curr_seq_length (int) – The desired sequence length to apply.

  • truncate (bool) – Truncate sequences early, or reshape tensors to create new examples out of the extra tokens.


batch – a Mapping of input tensors to the model, where all tensors have curr_seq_len in the second dimension.