Using Composer

We provide several paths to use our library:

  • Use our Functional API to integrate methods directly into your training loops

  • For easy composability, use our MosaicML Trainer to quickly experiment with different methods.

Functional API

Almost all algorithms (efficiency methods) are implemented as both standalone functions for direct access, and as classes for integration into the MosaicML Trainer.

For example, to use some of our model surgery-based methods, apply those functions after model creation and before the optimizers are created. First, to understand what is being modified, enable logging:

import logging

Then, we apply BlurPool and SqueezeExcite methods to replace eligible convolution layers:

from composer import functional as CF
import torchvision
model = torchvision.models.resnet50()

# replace some layers with blurpool or squeeze-excite layers
CF.apply_se(model, latent_channels=64, min_channels=128)

As another example, to apply Progressive Resizing, which increases the image size over the course of training:

from composer import functional as CF

scale = 0.5
for (image, label) in your_dataloader:
    CF.resize_inputs(image, label, scale_factor=scale)
    scale += 0.01

For more details, please see composer.functional.

MosaicML Trainer

The previous approach is easy to get started and experiment with methods. However, the key to Composer is the ability to quickly configure and compose multiple methods together. For this, use the MosaicML Trainer. Our trainer is designed to be minimally more opinionated than other libraries in order to achieve our composition goals.

Our trainer features:

  • interface to flexibly add algorithms to the training loop

  • engine that manages the ordering of algorithms for composition

  • a hyperparameter system based on yahp (optional, but recommended)

Here are several ways to use the trainer:

  1. (Fastest): Directly load the hparams for preconfigured models and algorithms.

    from composer import algorithms, trainer, Trainer
    from composer.core.types import Precision
    hparams = trainer.load("classify_mnist_cpu")  # loads from composer/yamls/models/classify_mnist_cpu.yaml
    hparams.algorithms = algorithms.load_multiple("blurpool", "label_smoothing")
    # edit other properties in the hparams object
    hparams.precision = Precision.FP32
    hparams.grad_accum = 2
    trainer = Trainer.create_from_hparams(hparams)

    For a list of properties, see: composer.trainer

  2. (Configurable): Provide a yaml file, either from our defaults or customized yourself.

    With our entrypoint:

    git clone
    cd composer && pip install -e .
    python examples/ -f composer/yamls/models/classify_mnist_cpu.yaml  --datadir ~/datasets

    Or, in Python,

    from composer.trainer import TrainerHparams, Trainer
    hparams = TrainerHparams.create('composer/yamls/models/classify_mnist_cpu.yaml')
    trainer = Trainer.create_from_hparams(hparams)

For more details on yahp, see the documentation.

  1. (Flexible): The Trainer can also be initialized directly:

    from composer import Trainer
    from composer import models, DataloaderSpec
    from torchvision import datasets, transforms
    train_dataloader_spec = DataloaderSpec(
        dataset=datasets.MNIST('~/datasets/', train=True, transform=transforms.ToTensor(), download=True),
    eval_dataloader_spec = DataloaderSpec(
        dataset=datasets.MNIST('~/datasets/', train=False, transform=transforms.ToTensor()),
    trainer = Trainer(

    For a comprehensive list of training arguments, see composer.trainer.