
The order of algorithms can matter significantly during composition. For example, the Selective Backprop algorithm runs during AFTER_DATALOADER event, and must run before any data augmentations. The Engine runs these re-ordering passes.


The design of the Engine will be changed in future releases to accomdate more complexity as we investigation the composition of algorithms.

Currently, the following passes are registered:

  • LIFO order for events

    For events that follow the after_* and before_* pattern, the ordering of algorithms is reversed for the after_* events. For example, algorithms will run in a ABCD -> DCBA ordering before and after say, the loss computation.

    This allows algorithms to “clean up” their changes. e.g. Label smoothing will smooth the labels upon entry to the loss, and then restore the original unsmoothed labels upon exit.

  • Run Selective Backprop first

    Selective backprop runs after the dataloader returns the batch, and executes an extra forward pass to rank and prune the examples in the batch by loss. To ensure a clean estimate of the example, Selective backprop should run before any other data augmentations during AFTER_DATALOADER (e.g. such as MixUp).


Traces record whether an algorithm ran at a particular step and event combination, and also the order of such executions. These are logged with the key {algorithm_name}/{event}.

For example, the algorithm Layer Freezing, which runs at the end of every epoch, will emit a series of traces:

[STEP=3][layer_freezing/EPOCH_END=1]  # <-- ran here!