
Algorithm Passes reorder or modify the execution of algorithms by the Engine.

The order in which algorithms are run matters significantly during composition. For example, the SelectiveBackprop algorithm runs on the Event.AFTER_DATALOADER event and must run before any data augmentations. Engine runs re-ordering passes to resolve such ordering issues or conflicts.

These modifications are represented as algorithm passes, which are functions that modify a list of algorithms.

For example, an algorithm pass that ensures a certain algorithm runs last, would be implemented as:

def run_last(algorithms: Sequence[Algorithm], event: Event) -> Sequence[Algorithm]:
   algorithms = sorted(algorithms, key=lambda x: isinstance(x, MyAlgorithm))

The passes in this module are registered by default into Engine.



Establish a FILO order of algorithms before_ and after_ events.


FusedLayerNorm should run after other algorithms that add LayerNorms (e.g.


Selective Backprop should run before any algorithms modify the loss.


Helper function to sort instances of a provided class to the back.


Helper function to sort instances of a provided class to the front.


Multiple algorithms that interpolate the loss may have unexpected behavior.



Base class for algorithms.


Enum to represent training loop events.


Type variable.


  • AlgorithmPass

  • Any

  • Callable

  • Sequence

  • T

composer.core.passes.set_filo_order(algorithms, event)[source]#

Establish a FILO order of algorithms before_ and after_ events.

For the events that follow the before_* and after_* pattern (e.g., Event.BEFORE_LOSS and Event.AFTER_LOSS), the ordering of algorithms is reversed for the ``after_*` events. For example, four given algorithms A, B, C, and D will run in ABCD ordering on the before_* event while DCBA ordering on the after_* event.

This allows algorithms to โ€œclean upโ€ their changes. For example, LabelSmoothing will smooth the labels upon the Event.BEFORE_LOSS event and then restore the original unsmoothed labels on the Event.AFTER_LOSS event.

Events with the pattern _start or _end will not be affected.

composer.core.passes.sort_fused_layernorm_last(algorithms, event)[source]#

FusedLayerNorm should run after other algorithms that add LayerNorms (e.g. GatedLinearUnits).

This ensures that all LayerNorms are converted to optimized fused versions.

composer.core.passes.sort_selective_backprop_first(algorithms, event)[source]#

Selective Backprop should run before any algorithms modify the loss.

SelectiveBackprop runs after the dataloader returns the batch and executes an extra forward pass to rank and prune the examples in the batch by loss. To ensure a clean estimate of loss, SelectiveBackprop should run before any other data augmentations (e.g., MixUp) on the Event.AFTER_DATALOADER event.

composer.core.passes.sort_to_back(list_to_sort, cls)[source]#

Helper function to sort instances of a provided class to the back.


>>> sort_to_back([1, 'b', 3], str)
[1, 3, 'b']
  • list_to_sort โ€“ list of objects to sort

  • cls โ€“ sorts all objects of this class to the back


sorted_list โ€“ Sorted List

composer.core.passes.sort_to_front(list_to_sort, cls)[source]#

Helper function to sort instances of a provided class to the front.


>>> sort_to_front([1, 'b', 3], str)
['b', 1, 3]
  • list_to_sort โ€“ list of objects to sort

  • cls โ€“ sorts all objects of this class to the front


sorted_list โ€“ Sorted List

composer.core.passes.warn_if_multiple_loss_interpolation(algorithms, event)[source]#

Multiple algorithms that interpolate the loss may have unexpected behavior.