
YAHP interface for ViTSmallPatch16.


These classes are used with yahp for YAML-based configuration.

class composer.models.vit_small_patch16.hparams.ViTSmallPatch16Hparams(initializers=<factory>, num_classes=1000, image_size=224, channels=3, dropout=0.0, embedding_dropout=0.0)[source]#

Bases: composer.models.model_hparams.ModelHparams

YAHP interface for ViTSmallPatch16.

  • num_classes (int, optional) โ€“ number of classes for the model. Default: 1000.

  • image_size (int, optional) โ€“ input image size. If you have rectangular images, make sure your image size is the maximum of the width and height. Default: 224.

  • channels (int, optional) โ€“ number of image channels. Default: 3.

  • dropout (float, optional) โ€“ 0.0 - 1.0 dropout rate. Default: 0.

  • embedding_dropout (float, optional) โ€“ 0.0 - 1.0 embedding dropout rate. Default: 0.