Source code for composer.models.transformer_hparams

# Copyright 2021 MosaicML. All Rights Reserved.

"""General `YAHP <>`_ interface for

from abc import ABC
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Optional

import yahp as hp

from composer.core.types import JSON
from composer.models.model_hparams import ModelHparams

__all__ = ["TransformerHparams"]

[docs]@dataclass class TransformerHparams(ModelHparams, ABC): """Defines the necessary hyparameters for a Transformer base module. Args: pretrained_model_name (Optional[str]): "Pretrained model name to pull from Huggingface Model Hub." model_config (Dict[str, JSON]): A dictionary providing a HuggingFace model configuration. tokenizer_name (str): The tokenizer used for this model, necessary to assert required model inputs. use_pretrained (bool, optional): Whether to initialize the model with the pretrained weights. Default: ``False`` gradient_checkpointing (bool, optional): Use gradient checkpointing. Default: ``False``. """ tokenizer_name: Optional[str] = hp.optional("Tokenizer name to pull from Huggingface Model Hub.", default=None) pretrained_model_name: Optional[str] = hp.optional( doc="Pretrained model name to pull from Huggingface Model Hub.", default=None, ) model_config: Dict[str, JSON] = hp.optional(doc="A dictionary providing a HuggingFace model configuration.", default_factory=dict) use_pretrained: bool = hp.optional("Whether to initialize the model with the pretrained weights.", default=False) gradient_checkpointing: bool = hp.optional("Whether to enable gradient checkpointing.", default=False) def validate(self): if self.pretrained_model_name is None and self.model_config == {}: raise Exception("One of pretrained_model_name or model_config needed.") if self.pretrained_model_name is not None and self.model_config != {}: raise Exception("Only one of pretrained_model_name or model_config can be provided.") if self.use_pretrained and self.model_config: raise Exception("A model cannot load pretrained weights from configuration.")