โš™๏ธ Using the Trainer#

The Composer Trainer implements a highly-optimized PyTorch training loop for neural networks. Using the trainer gives you several superpowers:

  • Easily insert our library of efficiency methods into the trainer loop and compose them to train better models faster.

  • Strong optimized baseline implementations to kick off your deep learning work, with reproducible results in time-to-train and accuracy.

  • Integration with your favorite model hubs: ๐Ÿค— Transformers, TIMM, and torchvision.

  • Iterate faster! We take care of performance and efficiency.


We use the two-way callback system developed by (Howard et al, 2020) to flexibly add the logic of our speedup methods during training.

Below are simple examples for getting started with the Composer Trainer along with code snippets for more advanced usage such as using speedup methods, checkpointing, and distributed training.

Getting Started#

Create a model class that meets the ComposerModel interface, minimally implementing the following methods:

  • def forward(batch) -> outputs : computes the forward pass based on the batch returned from the dataloader.

  • def loss(batch, outputs): returns the loss based on the outputs from the forward pass and the dataloader.

For more information, see the ComposerModel guide.

A minimal example of a ResNet-18 model is shown here:

import torchvision
import torch.nn.functional as F

from composer.models import ComposerModel

class ResNet18(ComposerModel):

    def __init__(self):
        self.model = torchvision.models.resnet18()

    def forward(self, batch):
        inputs, _ = batch
        return self.model(inputs)

    def loss(self, outputs, batch):
        _, targets = batch
        return F.cross_entropy(outputs, targets)

Then, the model can be passed to the trainer with the relevant torch objects.

import torch

trainer = Trainer(model=ResNet18(),
                  max_duration=10,  # epochs


In the background, we automatically add the TQDMLogger to log training progress to the console.

A few tips and tricks for using our Trainer:

  • For time-related inputs, such as the max_duration above, we support both an integer (which we assume is epochs), or a string. The string can have a suffix of "ep" (epochs), "ba" (batches), or "dur" (full training duration), among other options. For example, "10ba" means 10 minibatches or steps, and "10ep" means 10 epochs. See: Time for details.

  • If you are using gradient accumulation, the batch_size in your dataloaders should be the per-device macrobatch size โ€” the batch size of your optimization update. For example, with grad_accum=2 and batch_size=2048, the trainer runs through two microbatches of 1024 each, then performs a gradient update step.

  • At any time, most of the relevant quantities for debugging are centralized into one variable: State.

  • We have an abstraction for tracking Time, see the Time guide.

For a full list of Trainer options, see Trainer. Below, we illustrate some example use cases.

Training Loop#

Behind the scenes, our trainer handles much of the engineering for distributed training, gradient accumulation, device movement, gradient scaling, and others. The pseudocode for our trainer loop as it interacts with the ComposerModel is as follows:

# training loop
for batch in train_dataloader:

    outputs = model.forward(batch)
    loss = model.loss(outputs, batch)


# eval loop
for batch in eval_dataloader:
    outputs, targets = model.validate(batch)
    metrics.update(outputs, target)

For the actual code, see the Trainer.fit() and Trainer.eval() methods.

Quick Tour#

Below is a quick tour of various elements with code snippets for your reference. See the more detailed sections in the navigation menu.

Events & State#

The core principle of the Composer trainer is to make it easy to inject custom logic to run at various points in the training loop. To do this, we have events that run before and after each of the lines above, e.g.:

outputs = model.forward(batch)

Algorithms and callbacks (see below) register themselves to run on one or more events.

We also maintain a State which stores the trainerโ€™s state, such as the model, optimizers, dataloader, current batch, etc (see State). This allows algorithms to modify the state at the various events above.

See also

๐Ÿ“† Events and State


The Composer trainer is designed to easily apply our library of algorithms to both train more efficiently and build better models. These can be enabled by passing the appropriate algorithm class to the algorithms argument.

from composer import Trainer
from composer.algorithms import LayerFreezing, MixUp

trainer = Trainer(model=model,
                      LayerFreezing(freeze_start=0.5, freeze_level=0.1),
                      MixUp(num_classes=10, alpha=0.1),

# the algorithms will automatically be applied during the appropriate
# points of the training loop

We handle inserting those algorithms into the training loop and in the right order.

See also

Our ๐Ÿค– Algorithms guide, and the individual ๐Ÿƒ Methods Overview for each algorithm.

Optimizers & Schedulers#

You can easily specify which optimizer and learning rate scheduler to use during training. Composer supports both PyTorch schedulers as well as Composerโ€™s custom schedulers.

from composer import Trainer
from composer.models import ComposerResNet
from torch.optim import SGD
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import LinearLR

model = ComposerResNet(model_name="resnet50", num_classes=1000)
optimizer = SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.1)
scheduler = LinearLR(optimizer)

trainer = Trainer(model=model,

Composerโ€™s own custom schedulers are versions that support the Time abstraction. Time related inputs such as step or T_max can be provided in many units, from epochs ("10ep") to batches ("2048ba") to duration ("0.7dur").

For example, the below would step the learning rate at 30%, 50%, and 90% through training:

from composer import Trainer
from composer.optim.scheduler import MultiStepScheduler

trainer = Trainer(model=model,
                      milestones=['0.3dur', '0.5dur', '0.9dur'],

See ๐Ÿ“‰ Schedulers for details.

Training on GPU#

Control which device you use for training with the device parameter, and we will handle the data movement and other systems-related engineering. We currently support the cpu and gpu devices.

from composer import Trainer

trainer = Trainer(model=model,

Distributed Training#

Itโ€™s also simple to do data-parallel training on multiple GPUs. Composer provides a launcher command that works with the trainer and handles all the torch.distributed setup for you.

# run_trainer.py

from composer import Trainer

trainer = Trainer(model=model,

Access the Composer launcher via the composer command along with the number of GPUs youโ€™d like to use and your training script. Use composer --help to see a full list of configurable options.

# run training on 8 GPUs
$ composer -n 8 run_trainer.py

For multiple GPUs, the batch_size for each dataloader should be the per-device batch size. For example, to use a batch size of 2048, with data parallel across 8 GPUs, the dataloader should have batch_size=256.


For distributed training, your dataloader should use the torch.utils.data.distributed.DistributedSampler. If you are running multi-node, and each rank does not have a copy of the dataset, then a normal sampler can be used.

DeepSpeed Integration#

Composer comes with DeepSpeed support, allowing you to leverage their full set of features that makes it easier to train large models across (1) any type of GPU and (2) multiple nodes. For more details on DeepSpeed, see their website.

To enable DeepSpeed, simply pass in a config as specified in the DeepSpeed docs here.

# run_trainer.py

from composer import Trainer

trainer = Trainer(model=model,
                      "train_batch_size": 2048,
                      "fp16": {"enabled": True},

Providing an empty dictionary to deepspeed is also valid. The deepspeed defaults will be used and other fields (such as precision) inferred from the trainer.


The deepspeed_config must not conflict with any other parameters passed to the trainer.


You can insert arbitrary callbacks to be run at various points during the training loop. The Composer library provides several useful callbacks for things such as monitoring throughput and memory usage during training, but you can also implement your own.

from composer import Trainer
from composer.callbacks import SpeedMonitor

# include a callback for tracking throughput/step during training
trainer = Trainer(model=model,


The trainer automatically handles multiple precision types, either as fp32 or for GPUs, amp for automatic mixed precision, which is pytorchโ€™s built-in methods of training in 16-bit floating point. For more details on amp, see torch.cuda.amp and the paper by Micikevicius et al, 2018

We recommend using amp on GPUs to accelerate your training.

from composer import Trainer

# use mixed precision during training
trainer = Trainer(model=model,


The Composer trainer makes it easy to (1) save checkpoints at various points during training and (2) load them back to resume training later.

from composer import Trainer

### Saving checkpoints
trainer = Trainer(model=model,
                  # Checkpointing params
                  save_folder: 'checkpoints',
                  save_interval: '1ep')

# will save checkpoints to the 'checkpoints' folder every epoch
from composer import Trainer

### Loading checkpoints
trainer = Trainer(model=model,
                  # Checkpointing params
                  load_path_format: 'path/to/checkpoint/mosaic_states.pt')

# will load the trainer state (including model weights) from the
# load_path_format before resuming training

See also

The โœ… Checkpointing guide.

This was just a quick tour of all the features within our trainer. Please see the other guides and notebooks for more information.

Annotated Trainer Loop#

Our Trainer code is meant to be easily readable and understood. In this section, we walk you through the logic flow of the training loop code, from Trainer.fit() down to the backward() call.

In pseudocode, the trainer is organized as follows:

def fit(self):
    finally:  # clean up

The method _train_loop() sets up the training, loads any provided checkpoints, and then runs the training:

# pseudocode
def _train_loop(self):

    # setup training
    # metrics, gradient scaling, etc.
    # if needed, load checkpoints

    while timer < max_duration:

        for batch in train_dataloader:

            # for grad accum, split the batch
            microbatches = split_batch(batch)

            Depending on the config, the _train_batch()
            is called with slightly different code.
            if deepspeed_enabled:
                loss = self._train_batch(microbatches)
            elif _use_closure():
                Mixed precision and some optimizers
                requiring passing a closure.
                loss = optimizer.step(
                loss = self._train_batch(microbatches)

            if eval_on_batch:
                eval()  # run validation

        if eval_on_epoch:

Remaining are two methods: _train_batch and _train_batch_inner. For first decides whether to use the context manager for torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel.no_sync(), which disables the gradient synchronization for distributed training.

The second carries out the iteration over the batch, broken into microbatches (for gradient accumulation). This last method is where the forward and backward pass take place.

# pseudocode
# handles precision, grad accum, etc.
def _inner_train_batch(self, microbatches):
    for batch in microbatches:

        # run iteration
        outputs = model.forward(batch)
        loss = model.loss(outputs, batch)