
class composer.datasets.ADE20k(datadir, split='training', both_transforms=None, image_transforms=None, target_transforms=None)[source]#

PyTorch Dataset for ADE20k.

  • datadir (str) โ€“ the path to the ADE20k folder.

  • split (str) โ€“ the dataset split to use, either โ€˜trainingโ€™, โ€˜validationโ€™, or โ€˜testโ€™. Default: 'training'.

  • both_transforms (Module) โ€“ transformations to apply to the image and target simultaneously. Default: None.

  • image_transforms (Module) โ€“ transformations to apply to the image only. Default: None.

  • target_transforms (Module) โ€“ transformations to apply to the target only. Default None.