Source code for composer.datasets.in_context_learning_evaluation

# Copyright 2022 MosaicML Composer authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This code is based on the implementation in

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import json
import os
import random
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union

import torch
from import DataLoader, Dataset

from composer.core import DataSpec
from composer.core.data_spec import _split_list, default_split_batch
from composer.datasets.utils import stop_sequences_criteria
from composer.utils import MissingConditionalImportError, dist, get_file
from composer.utils.warnings import VersionedDeprecationWarning

    import transformers
    from datasets import Dataset as HFDataset  # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]

# Allow models to have slightly more tokens than were used in the most verbose CoT in the dataset
__all__ = [

def strip_data(example: Dict) -> Dict:
    Remove white space from the begging and end of string values in a dictionary

        example: Dictionary to be stripped

        dict: The same dictionary with .strip() applied to any value in the dict that is a string
    return {k: v.strip() if isinstance(v, str) else v for k, v in example.items()}

def _tokenizer_needs_prefix_space(tokenizer: transformers.PreTrainedTokenizerBase) -> bool:
    Test for whether a prefix space is needed before the continuation.
    Sentencepiece tokenization should not have a prefix space, but gpt2 style BPE should.

        tokenizer: Tokenizer to test

        bool: Whether or not the tokenizer needs a prefix space
    test_tokens = tokenizer(' a', add_special_tokens=False)['input_ids']
    assert isinstance(test_tokens, list)
    return len(test_tokens) == 1

def _trim_context(context_enc: List, continuation_enc: List, max_seq_len: int) -> List:
    Trims a list of tokens down to `max_seq_len` if the length of the list plus the continuation
    is more than `max_seq_len`. It will always trim tokens from the left, i.e. tokens at the beginning
    of the context will be removed.

        context_enc (list): List of tokens in the context
        continuation_enc (lsit): List of tokens in the continuation
        max_seq_len (int): Maximum length the model can ingest

        list: The encoded context trimmed from the left
    if len(continuation_enc) + len(context_enc) > max_seq_len:
        context_max_subseq_len = max_seq_len - len(continuation_enc)

        if context_max_subseq_len < 0:
            # can't support continuations which are longer than the max seq len
            raise Exception(f'Dataset included continuation longer than the max seq len of {max_seq_len}')

        # clip from the end
        context_enc = context_enc[-(context_max_subseq_len):]
    return context_enc

def _get_continuation_span(context_enc: List, continuation_enc: List) -> torch.Tensor:
    Gets the list of indices of the continuation tokens for language modeling or generation tasks.

        context_enc (list): List of context tokens
        continuation_enc (list): List of continuation tokens

        torch.tensor: A tensor containing indices corresponding to continuation tokens
    return torch.tensor(range(len(context_enc), len(context_enc) + len(continuation_enc)))

def _make_padded_input(
    context_enc: List,
    continuation_enc: List,
    max_seq_len: int,
    pad_tok_id: int,
    padding_side: str = 'right',
) -> torch.Tensor:
    Takes an encoded context and continuation and clips the beginning of the context if they're too long.
    Adds the padding token to the specified side.

        context_enc (List): The encoded input to the model
        continuation_enc (List): The encoded desired output for the example
        max_seq_list (int): Maximum length sequences can be
        pad_tok_id (int): The token id we pad with
        padding_side (str): Which side to pad the context on. Can be 'right' or 'left

        input (torch.tensor): The padded and encoded context
        continuation_span (torch.tensor): The _inclusive_ range of indices corresponding to the continuation
    inp = torch.tensor(
        (context_enc + continuation_enc),
    (inp_len,) = inp.shape

    # Sometimes tokenizers that have neither a pad_tok_id or eos_tok_id will pass None in as the padding
    # token and cause errors
    if not isinstance(pad_tok_id, int):
        raise ValueError(f'`pad_tok_id` must be an integer. Found {type(pad_tok_id)} instead')
    # pad length from seq to padding_length
    if padding_side == 'right':
        inp =
                inp,  # [seq]
                torch.LongTensor((max_seq_len - inp_len) * [pad_tok_id]),
    elif padding_side == 'left':
        inp =
                torch.LongTensor((max_seq_len - inp_len) * [pad_tok_id]),
                inp,  # [seq]
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown padding_side {padding_side}. padding_side must be either 'left' or 'right'")

    return inp

def convert_tokens_to_tensors(batch: Dict, tokenize_labels: bool) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    HF Datasets converts tensors into lists when we store them, and we don't want to use `type='torch'`
    because some content in the dataset, like generation args or single ints, should not be converted.

    Here, we convert those lists of tokens back into tensors in order to feed them into the model.

        batch (dict): A dictionary of batched inputs
        tokenize_labels (bool): Whether or not the labels are tokenized (and need to be stacked)

        dict: The batch with torch tensors in the corresponding keys instead of lists of lists
    batch['input_ids'] = torch.stack(list(map(torch.tensor, batch['input_ids'])))
    if tokenize_labels:
        batch['labels'] = torch.stack(list(map(torch.tensor, batch['labels'])))
        batch['continuation_indices'] = list(map(torch.tensor, batch['continuation_indices']))
    return batch

def _get_fewshot_sample_idxs(dataset_size: int, num_fewshot: int, example_idx: int, rng: random.Random) -> Set[int]:
    Samples indices without replacement. If num_fewshot exceeds the number of unique examples in the dataset,
    then we will have fewer than num_fewshot examples in context.
        dataset_size (int): Length of the dataset
        num_fewshot (int): Number of examples to prepend
        example_idx (int): Current example's index (excluded from fewshot choices)
        rng (random.Random): RNG for repeatable sample selection

        list: Indices of the examples chosen for fewshot selection
    num_fewshot = min(dataset_size - 1, num_fewshot)
    fewshot_idxs = set(rng.sample(range(0, dataset_size), num_fewshot))

    if example_idx in fewshot_idxs:
        if len(fewshot_idxs) >= dataset_size - 1:
            return fewshot_idxs

        replacement_sample = rng.choice(range(0, dataset_size))
        while replacement_sample in fewshot_idxs or replacement_sample == example_idx:
            replacement_sample = rng.choice(range(0, dataset_size))
    return fewshot_idxs

[docs]class InContextLearningDataset(Dataset): """ A base dataset that constructs batches for in-context learning task evaluations. The dataset format is expected to be a local jsonl file, a cloud link to a jsonl file, or a Hugging Face dataset link. 'context' refers to the input a model will recieve before generating an output. For example, the question in question answering tasks, the preceding text in a language modeling task, or the document and question regarding the document in a document understanding task. 'example' refers to a loaded dictionary, generally containing a context, an answer, and any other information needed to run the task. 'answer' refers to the desired output of the model. When creating a new ICL Dataset, it is likely that you will need to reimplement the following methods: - construct_context(): Takes a single example dictionary and formulates the context as a string for that eval question. - get_answer_from_example(): Takes a single example dictionary and formulates the correct, ground truth answer as a string. - tokenize_example(): Tokenizes the example and adds any extra content from the original dictionary that needs to be passed downstream. - read_dataset(): Loads the dataset and does basic parsing. If additional parsing must be done, this is a good place to do so (See InContextLearningQATaskDataset.read_dataset()) Additionally, base_batch and batch_mapping must be defined. - base_batch (Dict): The base dictionary that the dataset will use to construct a batch. This should contain static values, like generation_kwargs or mode, and empty lists for values that will need to be accumulated from each example. NOTE: Sometimes you will need to set base_batch directly after the init call, e.g. in order to use class variables like self.pad_tok_id or self.max_answer_length. If you manually set generation_kwargs this way, you'll need to call self.update_generation_kwargs() after setting self.base_batch. - batch_mapping (Dict): A mapping with keys that are keys in the batch and values that are columns in the loaded dataset. collate_fn will use this mapping to create batches from self.dataset. Args: dataset_uri (str): A local path, a remote path beginning with ``s3://`` or another backend, or a HuggingFace dataset uri prepended with ``hf://``. Alternate backends must be supported by :meth:`composer.utils.maybe_create_object_store_from_uri`. A local dataset must consist of rows of JSON data points with task dependent fields. The default keys expected are "context" and "answer". tokenizer (transformers.PreTrainedTokenizerBase): The tokenizer used to map between strings and token ids. max_seq_len (int): The maximum sequence length supported by the model. pad_tok_id (int): The special token used for padding batches. num_fewshot (int): The number of complete fewshot examples to prepend before each test example. These are not identical across examples. fewshot_random_seed (int): Random seed to use for fewshot sampling. prompt_string (str): Prompt string to put once before all fewshot examples/test examples (e.g. 'Translate english to french.'). example_delimiter (str): Separator inserted before (context, answer) pairs (e.g. '\\n') for fewshot sampling and prompting. continuation_delimiter: (str): Separator inserted between context and answer in each example (e.g. '\\nA: '). destination_path (str): Temporary path to store downloaded datasets. prelimiter (str): Text to be prepended before each context, including few shot examples (e.g. "Question: "). context_key (str): The key in the loaded dataset that contains the context. answer_key (str): The key in the loaded dataset that contains the answer. strip_dataset (bool): Boolean for whether to strip whitespace from data. Trailing whitespace can cause degenerative outputs, so unless whitespace should be preserved (for example in code), this should be set to True. padding_side (str): Side of the content and answer on which to apply padding. Can be either 'right' or 'left'. padding_size (int): The final size of the tensor after padding. Defaults to max_sequence_length. base_batch (Dict): The base dictionary upon which a batch is created. See above for more details. base_mapping (Dict): A mapping of batch keys to dataset columns, used to create batches. See above for more details. hf_loading_vars (Dict): A dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed into `load_dataset` if dataset is being pulled from HF. hf_parsing_map (Dict): A dictionary containing a mapping from HF columns to ICL dataset keys. The dictionary should be formatted {icl_key:[hf_key1, hf_key1]}. Column contents will be concatenated with ' ' seperating them. If not included, will load the columns already present in the HF dataset. tokenize_labels (bool): Whether or not the labels should be tokenized. Generally determined by which metric a dataset uses. generation_kwargs (Dict): A dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed along to the model's generate function. """ def __init__( self, dataset_uri: str, tokenizer: transformers.PreTrainedTokenizerBase, max_seq_len: int, pad_tok_id: int, num_fewshot: int, fewshot_random_seed: int, prompt_string: str, example_delimiter: str, continuation_delimiter: str, destination_path: str, prelimiter: str = '', context_key: str = 'context', answer_key: str = 'answer', strip_dataset: bool = True, padding_side: str = 'right', tokenize_labels: bool = True, static_keys: Optional[List] = None, list_keys: Optional[List] = None, tensor_keys: Optional[List] = None, padding_size: Optional[int] = None, base_batch: Optional[Dict] = None, batch_mapping: Optional[Dict] = None, hf_loading_vars: Optional[Dict] = None, hf_parsing_map: Optional[Dict] = None, generation_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, ): warnings.warn( VersionedDeprecationWarning( '`InContextLearningDataset`, it\'s subclasses, and eval utility functions have been deprecated and migrated' + ' to MosaicML\'s llm-foundry repo under the llmfoundry.eval.datasets.in_context_learning module: ' + '', remove_version='0.23.0', ), ) try: import datasets del datasets except ImportError as e: raise MissingConditionalImportError( extra_deps_group='nlp', conda_package='datasets', conda_channel='conda-forge', ) from e self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.prefix_space = _tokenizer_needs_prefix_space(self.tokenizer) self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len self.pad_tok_id = pad_tok_id self.num_fewshot = num_fewshot self.padding_side = padding_side self.padding_size = padding_size if padding_size else self.max_seq_len self.prelimiter = prelimiter self.example_delimiter = example_delimiter self.continuation_delimiter = continuation_delimiter self.context_key = context_key self.answer_key = answer_key self.tokenize_labels = tokenize_labels self.batch_mapping = batch_mapping or {} self.base_batch = base_batch or {} if generation_kwargs: self.update_generation_kwargs(generation_kwargs) self.static_keys = static_keys self.list_keys = list_keys self.tensor_keys = tensor_keys hf_loading_vars = hf_loading_vars or {} self.dataset: HFDataset = self.read_dataset(dataset_uri, destination_path, hf_loading_vars, hf_parsing_map) self.strip_data = strip_dataset if self.strip_data: self.dataset = fewshot_rng = random.Random(fewshot_random_seed) self.dataset: HFDataset = self._prep_example, with_indices=True, fn_kwargs={ 'num_fewshot': num_fewshot, 'prompt_string': prompt_string, 'fewshot_rng': fewshot_rng, }, ) def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Dict: return self.dataset[index] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.dataset) def get_num_samples_in_batch(self, batch: Dict) -> int: return batch['input_ids'].shape[0]
[docs] def update_generation_kwargs(self, generation_kwargs: Dict) -> None: """ Updates self.base_batch with the passed in generation_kwargs. This must be run after self.base_batch is set (for example, if self.base_batch is set after __init__() is run, likely because base_batch needs a class variable like self.pad_tok_id or self.max_answer_length). Args: dict: Keyword arguments that be written into base_batch['generation_kwargs'] """ if generation_kwargs: if 'generation_kwargs' not in self.base_batch: self.base_batch['generation_kwargs'] = {} self.base_batch['generation_kwargs'].update(generation_kwargs)
[docs] def read_dataset( self, dataset_uri: str, destination_path: str, hf_loading_vars: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, hf_parsing_map: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> 'HFDataset': """ Reads a dataset and handles parsing it from HuggingFace. Args: dataset_uri (str): A local path, a remote path beginning with ``s3://`` or another backend, or a HuggingFace dataset uri. Alternate backends must be supported by :meth:`composer.utils.maybe_create_object_store_from_uri`. destination_path (str): A local path where the data will be stored hf_loading_vars (Dict): If parsing from HuggingFace, keyword args that will be passed into load_dataset hf_parsing_map (Dict): Dictionary in the form of {icl_key: [hf_col1, hf_col2]} that will map one or more hf columns, in order, to ICL dataset columns Returns: dataset: A loaded HF dataset """ from datasets import Dataset as HFDataset # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] from datasets import load_dataset # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] if 'hf://' in dataset_uri: dataset_uri = dataset_uri.replace('hf://', '') if hf_loading_vars is None: hf_loading_vars = {} dataset = load_dataset(dataset_uri, **hf_loading_vars) if hf_parsing_map: dataset_parsing_func = lambda example: { k: ' '.join([str(example[col]) for col in v]) for k, v in hf_parsing_map.items() # pyright: ignore[reportOptionalMemberAccess] } assert isinstance(dataset, HFDataset) dataset =, remove_columns=dataset.column_names) else: with dist.local_rank_zero_download_and_wait(destination_path): if dist.get_local_rank() == 0: get_file(dataset_uri, destination_path, overwrite=True) dataset = load_dataset('json', data_files=destination_path, split='train', streaming=False) assert isinstance(dataset, HFDataset) return dataset
def _generate_few_shot_prompt( self, num_fewshot: int, example_idx: int, preamble: str, fewshot_rng: random.Random, ) -> str: """ Formats the fewshot prompt for test example `example_idx`. Randomly selects `num_fewshot` samples from the dataset (excluding the example at `example_idx`) and constructs contextes with answers appended. Returns the formatted prompt_string + concatenated list of formatted few shot examples as a string. Args: num_fewshot (int): Number of examples to prepend example_idx (int): Current example idx preamble (str): Text to occur at the beginning of the task. Generally instructions or a prompt. fewshot_rng (random.Random): Seeded sampler to chose samples with Returns: str: The original preamble with num_fewshot examples appended """ few_shot_text = preamble if num_fewshot > 0: fewshot_idxs = _get_fewshot_sample_idxs( len(self.dataset), num_fewshot, example_idx, fewshot_rng, ) for fewshot_idx in fewshot_idxs: ctxt = self.construct_context( self.dataset[fewshot_idx], few_shot_text, add_answer=True, ) few_shot_text += ctxt return few_shot_text
[docs] def construct_context(self, example: Dict, preceding_text: str = '', add_answer: bool = False) -> str: """ Takes an example and constructs a context, i.e. the input the model reads for this example. Optionally adds the correct answer (for fewshot examples) and handles example delimiters Args: example (Dict): The example from which to construct the context preceding_text (str): Any preceding text, used as a check for prepending self.example_delimiter add_answer (bool): Bool for whether or not to add the answer on the end of the context (e.g. for fewshot examples) Returns: str: The constructed context. The default output context is formatted as follows: f'{self.prelimiter}{example[self.context_key]}{self.continuation_delimiter}' """ ctxt = example[self.context_key] ctxt = f'{self.prelimiter}{ctxt}' if len(preceding_text) > 0: ctxt = f'{self.example_delimiter}{ctxt}' ctxt = f'{ctxt}{self.continuation_delimiter}' if add_answer: ctxt = (f'{ctxt}{self.get_answer_from_example(example, in_context=add_answer)}') return ctxt
[docs] def get_answer_from_example(self, example: Dict[str, Any], in_context: bool = False) -> str: """ Returns the answer from the example. Args: example (Dict): The example from which to retrieve the answer Returns: str: The answer in the example """ cont = example[self.answer_key] if self.prefix_space and not cont.startswith(' ') and not in_context: cont = f' {cont}' return cont
def _fix_eos_on_preamble(self, input_ids: List[int]) -> List[int]: """ If the input_ids is empty then input_ids will be a 0-length List unless the tokenizer adds special tokens to empty strings (e.g. OPT tokenizer). If there is an EOS token added, we need to remove it so it is not in the middle of the prompt, as the specific eval question's prompt will follow the input_ids. Args: input_ids (List): The tokenized input Returns: input_ids: The tokenized input conditionally edited """ if ( self.tokenizer.eos_token_id is not None and len(input_ids) > 1 and input_ids[-1] == self.tokenizer.eos_token_id ): input_ids = input_ids[:-1] return input_ids
[docs] def tokenize_example(self, prompt_and_fewshot: str, ctxt: str, example: Dict) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Runs text through the tokenizer and handle special cases. Args: prompt_and_fewshot (str): The collection of the prompt and fewshot examples that belongs before the example's context ctxt (str): The specific example's derrived context example (Dict): The example as a dictionary. Used for additional processing in inherited classes. Returns: Dict: Dictionary with the tokenized data """ tokenized_example = {} # Always add special tokens to preamble preamble = self.tokenizer(prompt_and_fewshot)['input_ids'] assert isinstance(preamble, list) preamble = self._fix_eos_on_preamble(preamble) if self.strip_data: # rstrip context because a prompt ending in a space results in degenerate output ctxt = ctxt.rstrip() # Never add special tokens to context tokenized_context = self.tokenizer(ctxt, add_special_tokens=False)['input_ids'] assert isinstance(preamble, list) assert isinstance(tokenized_context, list) tokenized_context = preamble + tokenized_context if self.tokenize_labels: # Never add special tokens to answer tokenized_answer = self.tokenizer( self.get_answer_from_example(example), add_special_tokens=False, )['input_ids'] assert isinstance(tokenized_answer, list) trimmed_context = _trim_context(tokenized_context, tokenized_answer, self.padding_size) assert isinstance(trimmed_context, list) continuation_indices = _get_continuation_span(trimmed_context, tokenized_answer) padded_context = _make_padded_input( trimmed_context, tokenized_answer, self.padding_size, self.pad_tok_id, self.padding_side, ) tokenized_example[self.context_key] = padded_context tokenized_example[self.answer_key] = tokenized_answer tokenized_example['continuation_indices'] = continuation_indices else: assert isinstance(tokenized_context, list) trimmed_context = _trim_context( tokenized_context, [], self.padding_size, ) assert isinstance(trimmed_context, list) padded_context = _make_padded_input( trimmed_context, [], self.padding_size, self.pad_tok_id, self.padding_side, ) tokenized_example[self.context_key] = padded_context tokenized_example[self.answer_key] = self.get_answer_from_example(example) return tokenized_example
def _prep_example( self, example: Dict, example_idx: int, num_fewshot: int, prompt_string: str, fewshot_rng: random.Random, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Prepares a single example from a HF Dataset into tokenized format with prompt and fewshot examples. Each task consists of a context and a continuation as well as an optional prompt and optional list of example context/continuation pairs which precede the test context/continuation pair. Args: example (Dict): A Dictionary from the hf dataset example_idx (int): The index of example num_fewshot (int): Number of examples context/continuation pairs to prepend to the test pair prompt_string (str): The prompt to prepend to all inputs fewshot_rng (random.Random): Random number generator to use for fewshot sampling Returns: Dict: Contains a dictionary with the tokenized data """ prompt_and_fewshot = self._generate_few_shot_prompt(num_fewshot, example_idx, prompt_string, fewshot_rng) ctxt = self.construct_context(example, prompt_and_fewshot, add_answer=False) tokenized_example = self.tokenize_example(prompt_and_fewshot, ctxt, example) return tokenized_example
[docs] def collate_fn(self, data: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ The function that the dataloader uses to accumulate data into batches. Args: data (List): List of tokenized datapoints (dicts returned by self._tokenize_example) Returns: Dict: Dictionary for a single batch """ batch = copy.deepcopy(self.base_batch) for data_pair in data: for batch_key, data_key in self.batch_mapping.items(): batch[batch_key].append(data_pair[data_key]) if 'continuation_indices' in data_pair: batch['continuation_indices'].append(data_pair['continuation_indices']) batch = convert_tokens_to_tensors(batch, self.tokenize_labels) batch['attention_mask'] = ~(batch['input_ids'] == self.pad_tok_id) return batch
[docs] def split_batch(self, batch: Any, microbatch_size: Union[int, float]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Handling for certain specialty columns that must be split into batches in different formats. Args: batch (Dict): Batch of data microbatch_size (int | float): Size of microbatches Returns: List: List of chunked batches """ if isinstance(microbatch_size, float): raise ValueError('InContextLearningDataset does not support float microbatch sizes') # Don't split kwargs that don't change # Normally split torch tensors # List split lists of strings chunked = {} for k, v in batch.items(): if k in self.static_keys: # Defer broadcasting until we know num_chunks pass elif k in self.list_keys: chunked[k] = _split_list(v, microbatch_size) elif k in self.tensor_keys: chunked[k] = default_split_batch(v, microbatch_size) else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected key {k} in batch splitting') num_chunks = len(chunked['input_ids']) for k, v in batch.items(): if k in self.static_keys: chunked[k] = [v] * num_chunks batched_list = [{k: v[idx] for k, v in chunked.items()} for idx in range(num_chunks)] return batched_list
[docs]class InContextLearningQATaskDataset(InContextLearningDataset): """ A dataset that constructs batches for in-context learning question answering evaluation. QA tasks evaluate a model's ability to answer questions using a consistent format. The input format is expected to be a jsonl file with the following fields: - context: The question - answer: The preferred answer to the question - aliases: A list of aliases for the answer See InContextLearningDataset for more details. Additional Args: cot_delimiter (str): Delimiter to place between the chain of thought and continuations. """ def __init__( self, cot_delimiter: str = '', early_stopping_criteria: Optional[List[str]] = None, do_normalization: bool = True, *args, **kwargs, ): if kwargs['tokenizer'].eos_token_id is None: raise ValueError('`InContextLearningQATaskDataset` tokenizer must have non-null `eos_token_id`') self.cot_delimiter = cot_delimiter self.has_cot = False self.max_answer_length = 0 static_keys = [ 'mode', 'cot_delimiter', 'generation_length', 'generation_kwargs', 'do_normalization', 'stopping_criteria', ] tensor_keys = ['input_ids', 'attention_mask'] list_keys = ['labels'] super().__init__( padding_side='left', tokenize_labels=False, static_keys=static_keys, list_keys=list_keys, tensor_keys=tensor_keys, *args, **kwargs, ) # NOTE: set these after init call because they take class vars self.early_stopping_criteria = early_stopping_criteria self.base_batch = { 'input_ids': [], 'mode': 'generate', 'labels': [], 'cot_delimiter': self.cot_delimiter, 'stopping_criteria': early_stopping_criteria, 'do_normalization': do_normalization, 'generation_kwargs': { 'max_new_tokens': self.max_answer_length, 'pad_token_id': self.pad_tok_id, 'use_cache': True, 'eos_token_id': self.tokenizer.eos_token_id, }, } self.batch_mapping = { 'input_ids': self.context_key, 'labels': 'aliases', } if 'generation_kwargs' in kwargs: self.update_generation_kwargs(kwargs['generation_kwargs']) def read_dataset( self, dataset_uri: str, destination_path: str, hf_loading_vars: Dict, hf_parsing_map: Dict, ) -> 'HFDataset': dataset = super().read_dataset(dataset_uri, destination_path, hf_loading_vars, hf_parsing_map) self.has_cot = 'chain_of_thought' in dataset.features dataset = lambda examples: { 'context': examples['context'], 'answer': examples['answer'], 'aliases': set([examples['answer']] + examples.get('aliases', [])), 'chain_of_thought': examples.get('chain_of_thought', ''), }, ) self.max_answer_length = self._get_max_answer_length(dataset) # NOTE: This is the only time we use the class variable padding_size. self.padding_size = self.max_seq_len - self.max_answer_length return dataset
[docs] def get_answer_from_example(self, example: Dict, in_context=False) -> str: """ Returns the answer from the example. Applies chain of thought if self.has_cot is marked as true. Args: example (Dict): The example from which to retrieve the answer Returns: str: The answer in from the example with chain of thought and delimiter if needed """ if self.has_cot: return f'{example["chain_of_thought"]}{self.cot_delimiter}{example[self.answer_key]}' else: return example[self.answer_key]
[docs] def tokenize_example(self, prompt_and_fewshot: str, ctxt: str, example: Dict) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Run text through the tokenizer and handle special cases. Args: prompt_and_fewshot (str): The collection of the prompt and fewshot examples that belongs before the example's context ctx (str): The specific example's derrived context example (Dict): The example as a dictionary. Returns: Dict: Dictionary with the tokenized data """ tokenized_example = super().tokenize_example(prompt_and_fewshot, ctxt, example) tokenized_example['aliases'] = list(example.get('aliases', [])) return tokenized_example
def _get_max_answer_length(self, dataset) -> int: f""" Loops over the dataset and finds the longest answer length. Returns: int: The maximum answer length with an additional buffer of {_MAX_ANSWER_BUFFER_LENGTH} if chain of thought is present """ max_answer_length = 0 for example in dataset: all_answers = [example[self.answer_key]] + list(example.get('aliases', [])) for answer in all_answers: if self.has_cot: response = (f'{example["chain_of_thought"]}{self.cot_delimiter}{answer}') else: response = answer tokenized_repsonse = self.tokenizer(response)['input_ids'] assert isinstance(tokenized_repsonse, list) max_answer_length = max(max_answer_length, len(tokenized_repsonse)) max_answer_length = max_answer_length + (_MAX_ANSWER_BUFFER_LENGTH if len(self.cot_delimiter) > 0 else 0) return max_answer_length def collate_fn(self, data: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Any]: batch = super().collate_fn(data) batch_size = batch['input_ids'].shape[0] stopping_criteria = None if self.early_stopping_criteria: if (stop_sequences_criteria is None): # pyright: ignore [reportUnnecessaryComparison] raise MissingConditionalImportError( extra_deps_group='nlp', conda_package='transformers', conda_channel='conda-forge', ) stopping_criteria = stop_sequences_criteria(self.tokenizer, self.early_stopping_criteria, batch_size) batch['generation_kwargs']['stopping_criteria'] = stopping_criteria return batch
[docs]class InContextLearningLMTaskDataset(InContextLearningDataset): """ A dataset that constructs batches for in-context learning language modeling evaluation. Language modeling tasks test a model's ability to properly predict tokens based on preceding tokens. The input format is expected to be a jsonl file with the following fields: - context: Preceding text - continuation: The expected continuation See InContextLearningDataset for more details. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__( answer_key='continuation', static_keys=['mode'], tensor_keys=[ 'input_ids', 'continuation_indices', 'labels', 'attention_mask', ], base_batch={ 'input_ids': [], 'continuation_indices': [], 'mode': 'icl_task', 'labels': [], }, batch_mapping={ 'input_ids': 'context', 'labels': 'context', }, padding_side='right', *args, **kwargs, )
[docs]class InContextLearningMultipleChoiceTaskDataset(InContextLearningDataset): """ A dataset that construct batches for in-context learning multiple choice evaluation. If each question has N answer choices, we construct N distinct inputs per question. In order to ensure consistency across multi-GPU, we set the batch size to be `min(N, batch_size)` so that all N inputs per question can stored in the same batch. The default input format is a jsonl file with the following fields: - query: The preceding text, question, or document relevant to the choices - gold: Index of the correct choice under 'choices' - choices: A list of strings, each being one of the potential choices Each batch then consists of ``|batch_size // N|`` distinct questions and has the following the structure. - input_ids: Input tensor ``|batch x seqlen x # tokens|`` - continuation_indices: List of ``|batch|`` consisting of tensors indicating which indices in the sequence correspond to the question answer (aka continuation) - mode: Indicates to the model that this is an ICL task and may rely on a custom code path to properly update metrics - labels: Identical to the input, used by the model to calculate loss/metrics - gold_indices: List of length ``|batch_size // N|`` indicating for each question, which of the answers is correct (via an integer [0, N-1]) - choice_groupings: Indicates which indices of the batch correspond to which questions Additional Args: choices_key (str): The key under which the choices are stored in the saved dataset. Defaults to 'choices'. """ def __init__( self, choices_key: str = 'choices', static_keys: Optional[List] = None, list_of_tensors_keys: Optional[List] = None, list_of_tuples_keys: Optional[List] = None, list_of_primitives: Optional[List] = None, *args, **kwargs, ): self.choices_key = choices_key base_batch = { 'input_ids': [], 'continuation_indices': [], 'mode': 'icl_task', 'labels': [], 'gold_indices': [], 'choice_groupings': [], } context_key = kwargs.pop('context_key', 'query') static_keys = kwargs.pop('static_keys', ['mode', 'generation_kwargs']) tensor_keys = kwargs.pop('tensor_keys', ['input_ids', 'labels', 'attention_mask']) self.list_of_tensors_keys = list_of_tensors_keys or ['continuation_indices'] self.list_of_tuples_keys = list_of_tuples_keys or ['choice_groupings'] self.list_of_primitives = list_of_primitives or ['gold_indices'] super().__init__( context_key=context_key, base_batch=base_batch, static_keys=static_keys, tensor_keys=tensor_keys, padding_side='right', *args, **kwargs, ) self.num_choices = len(self.dataset[0][self.choices_key]) self.batch_mapping_per_choice = {'input_ids': 'context', 'labels': 'context'} self.batch_map_per_example = {'gold_indices': 'gold'}
[docs] def get_answer_from_example(self, example: Dict, in_context=False) -> str: """ Returns the correct answer from the example's choices. Args: example (Dict): The example from which to retrieve the answer Returns: str: The full string of the correct answer based on the 'gold' key """ choices = example[self.choices_key] gold_idx = example['gold'] return choices[gold_idx]
[docs] def tokenize_example(self, prompt_and_fewshot: str, ctxt: str, example: Dict) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Runs text through the tokenizer and handle special cases. Args: prompt_and_fewshot (str): The collection of the prompt and fewshot examples that belongs before the example's context ctx (str): The specific example's derrived context example (Dict): The example as a dictionary. Returns: Dict: Dictionary with the tokenized data """ # NOTE: some of this is repeated from super class but for loop makes things considerably different tokenized_example = {} # Always add special tokens to preamble preamble = self.tokenizer(prompt_and_fewshot)['input_ids'] assert isinstance(preamble, list) preamble = self._fix_eos_on_preamble(preamble) if self.strip_data: # rstrip context because a prompt ending in a space results in degenerate output ctxt = ctxt.rstrip() # Never add special tokens to context tokenized_context = self.tokenizer(ctxt, add_special_tokens=False)['input_ids'] assert isinstance(tokenized_context, list) tokenized_context = preamble + tokenized_context tokenized_example[self.context_key] = [] tokenized_example[self.answer_key] = [] tokenized_example['continuation_indices'] = [] # NOTE: Treating tokenize_labels as True for all MC datasets (required for our MC accuracy metric) for choice in example[self.choices_key]: if self.prefix_space: choice = f' {choice}' if not choice.startswith(' ') else choice # Never add special tokens to answer tokenized_answer = self.tokenizer(choice, add_special_tokens=False)['input_ids'] assert isinstance(tokenized_context, list) assert isinstance(tokenized_answer, list) trimmed_context = _trim_context(tokenized_context, tokenized_answer, self.padding_size) assert isinstance(trimmed_context, list) continuation_indices = _get_continuation_span(trimmed_context, tokenized_answer) padded_context = _make_padded_input( trimmed_context, tokenized_answer, self.padding_size, self.pad_tok_id, self.padding_side, ) tokenized_example[self.context_key].append(padded_context) tokenized_example[self.answer_key].append(tokenized_answer) tokenized_example['continuation_indices'].append(continuation_indices) tokenized_example['gold'] = example['gold'] return tokenized_example
[docs] def collate_fn(self, data: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ The function that the dataloader uses to accumulate data into batches. We run each distinct query + answer choice through the model separately and determine which answer has the lowest per-token-perplexity. If each question has N possible choices, all N must be grouped together as distinct elements of the batch since the batch may consist of multiple questions, the choice_groupings indicates which contiguous sequences of elements in the batch correspond to which question gold_indices indicates which of the [0, N-1] choices is the correct one for each question. Args: data (List): List of tokenized datapoints (dicts returned by self._tokenize_example) Returns: Dict: Dictionary for a single batch """ batch = copy.deepcopy(self.base_batch) for data_pair in data: choice_start_idx = len(batch['continuation_indices']) # NOTE: not using batch_mapping for i, context_enc in enumerate(data_pair[self.context_key]): batch['input_ids'].append(context_enc) batch['continuation_indices'].append(data_pair['continuation_indices'][i]) batch['labels'].append(context_enc) batch['gold_indices'].append(data_pair['gold']) choice_end_idx = len(batch['continuation_indices']) batch['choice_groupings'].append((choice_start_idx, choice_end_idx)) batch = convert_tokens_to_tensors(batch, self.tokenize_labels) batch['attention_mask'] = ~(batch['input_ids'] == self.pad_tok_id) return batch
def get_num_samples_in_batch(self, batch) -> int: return batch['input_ids'].shape[0] // self.num_choices
[docs] def split_batch(self, batch: Any, microbatch_size: Union[int, float]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Split batch while ensuring all continuations are in the same microbatch. In ICL Multiple Choice, we duplicate each data point for each possible continuation. When splitting a batch, we have logical example, which refer to one possible question, and real example, which refers to one possible continuation. As example count and microbatch_size are tracked in logical example, we split logical attributes by microbatch_size and real attributes by microbatch_size * num_choices. Args: batch (Dict): Batch of data microbatch_size (int): Size of microbatches Returns: list: List of chunked batches """ if isinstance(microbatch_size, float): raise ValueError('InContextLearningMultipleChoiceTaskDataset does not support float microbatch sizes') chunked = {} for k, v in batch.items(): if k in self.static_keys: # Defer broadcasting primitives until we know num_chunks pass elif type(v) == list: # list of tensors - 'continuation_indices' if k in self.list_of_tensors_keys: chunked[k] = _split_list(v, microbatch_size * self.num_choices) # list of tuples - 'choice_groupings' elif k in self.list_of_tuples_keys: chunked[k] = _split_list(v, microbatch_size) # list - 'gold_indices' elif k in self.list_of_primitives: chunked[k] = default_split_batch(v, microbatch_size) else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected key {k} in list splitting') elif k in self.tensor_keys: chunked[k] = default_split_batch(v, microbatch_size * self.num_choices) else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected key {k} in batch splitting') num_chunks = len(chunked['input_ids']) # Broadcast primitives to all chunks for k, v in batch.items(): if k in self.static_keys: chunked[k] = [v] * num_chunks return [{k: v[idx] for k, v in chunked.items()} for idx in range(num_chunks)]
[docs]class InContextLearningSchemaTaskDataset(InContextLearningMultipleChoiceTaskDataset): """A dataset that constructs batches for in-context learning schema evaluation. A schema task involves sentences with a fill-in-the-blank where the user needs to choose the correct word to fill in from a set of N options. We use the partial evaluation technique from to determine the model's choice of fill-in word. The default input format is a jsonl file with the following fields: - context_options: List of strings corresponding to possible preceding context options for the continuation - gold: Index of the correct context from 'context_options' - continuation: The finishing continuation Each batch then consists of ``batch_size // N`` distinct tasks and has the following the structure - input_ids: Input tensor ``batch x seqlen x # of tokens`` - continuation_indices: List of ``batch`` consisting of tensors indicating which indices in the sequence correspond to the question answer (aka continuation) - mode: Indicates to the model that this is an ICL task and may rely on a custom code path to properly update metrics - labels: Identical to the input, used by the model to calculate loss/metrics - gold_indices: List of length ``batch_size // N`` indicating for each question, which of the answers is correct (via an integer [0, N-1]) - choice_groupings: Indicates which indices of the batch correspond to which questions """ def __init__(self, choices_key='context_options', *args, **kwargs): static_keys = ['mode'] tensor_keys = ['input_ids', 'labels', 'attention_mask'] list_of_tensors_keys = ['continuation_indices'] super().__init__( choices_key=choices_key, context_key=choices_key, static_keys=static_keys, tensor_keys=tensor_keys, list_of_tensors_keys=list_of_tensors_keys, *args, **kwargs, ) self.base_batch = { 'input_ids': [], 'continuation_indices': [], 'mode': 'icl_task', 'labels': [], 'gold_indices': [], 'choice_groupings': [], }
[docs] def construct_context(self, example, preceding_text: str = '', add_answer: bool = False) -> str: """ Takes a example and constructs a context with the correct context for the example's continuation. Args: example (Dict): The example from which to construct the context preceding_text (str): Any preceding text, needed to if self.example_delimiter is needed at the beginning add_answer (bool): This will always be true when calling this function for SchemaTaskDataset Returns: str: The single correct context for a given continuation """ context_options = example[self.choices_key] gold_idx = example['gold'] continuation = example['continuation'] context = context_options[gold_idx] if len(preceding_text) > 0: context = f'{self.example_delimiter}{context}' context = f'{self.prelimiter}{context}{self.continuation_delimiter}{continuation}' return context
def _construct_multiple_contexts(self, example: Dict, preceding_text: str = '') -> List[str]: """ Takes a example and constructs all contexts. Optionally, appends this to preceeding text (such as a prompt or fewshot examples). Args: example (Dict): The example from which to construct the context preceding_text (str): Any preceding text, needed to if self.example_delimiter is needed at the beginning Returns: list: All context options for the selected example with formatting """ context_options = example[self.choices_key] if len(preceding_text) > 0: if self.strip_data: cont_del = self.continuation_delimiter.rstrip() else: cont_del = self.continuation_delimiter context_options = [f'{self.prelimiter}{self.example_delimiter}{c}{cont_del}' for c in context_options] else: context_options = [f'{self.prelimiter}{c}' for c in context_options] return context_options def _prep_example( self, example: Dict, example_idx: int, num_fewshot: int, prompt_string: str, fewshot_rng: random.Random, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Prepares a single example from a HF Dataset into tokenized format with prompt and fewshot examples. Each task consists of multiple contexts and a single, correct continuation. Will preprend fewshot examples and prompt if present. Args: example (Dict): A dictionary from the hf dataset example_idx (int): The index of example num_fewshot (int): Number of examples context/continuation pairs to prepend to the test pair prompt_string (str): The prompt to prepend to all inputs fewshot_rng (random.Random): Random number generator to use for fewshot sampling Returns: Dict: Contains a dictionary with the tokenized data """ prompt_and_fewshot = self._generate_few_shot_prompt(num_fewshot, example_idx, prompt_string, fewshot_rng) ctxt = self._construct_multiple_contexts(example, prompt_and_fewshot) tokenized_example = self.tokenize_example(prompt_and_fewshot, ctxt, example) return tokenized_example
[docs] def tokenize_example(self, prompt_and_fewshot: str, context_options: List[str], example: Dict) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Runs text through the tokenizer and handle special cases. Args: prompt_and_fewshot (str): The collection of the prompt and fewshot examples that belongs before the example's context ctx (str): The specific example's derrived context example (Dict): The example as a dictionary. Returns: Dict: Dictionary with the tokenized data """ tokenized_example = {} preamble = self.tokenizer(prompt_and_fewshot)['input_ids'] assert isinstance(preamble, list) preamble = self._fix_eos_on_preamble(preamble) encoded_contexts = [ preamble + self. tokenizer( # pyright: ignore[reportOperatorIssue, reportGeneralTypeIssues] c, add_special_tokens=False, )['input_ids'] # pyright: ignore[reportOperatorIssue, ] for c in context_options ] continuation = example['continuation'] if self.prefix_space: continuation = (f' {continuation}' if not continuation.startswith(' ') else continuation) tokenized_continuation = self.tokenizer(continuation, add_special_tokens=False)['input_ids'] tokenized_example[self.context_key] = [] tokenized_example['continuation_indices'] = [] tokenized_example[self.answer_key] = [] for context in encoded_contexts: assert isinstance(context, list) assert isinstance(tokenized_continuation, list) trimmed_context = _trim_context(context, tokenized_continuation, self.padding_size) assert isinstance(trimmed_context, list) continuation_indices = _get_continuation_span(trimmed_context, tokenized_continuation) padded_context = _make_padded_input( trimmed_context, tokenized_continuation, self.padding_size, self.pad_tok_id, self.padding_side, ) tokenized_example[self.context_key].append(padded_context) tokenized_example['continuation_indices'].append(continuation_indices) tokenized_example[self.answer_key].append(tokenized_continuation) tokenized_example['gold'] = example['gold'] return tokenized_example
[docs]class InContextLearningCodeEvalDataset(InContextLearningDataset): """ A dataset that constructs batches for in-context learning code evaluation. The input format is expected to be a jsonl file with the following fields: - task_id: Label of given task - prompt: The code snippet that must be completed - entry_point: The entry to the function/code snippet to generate - canonical_solution: Working solution - test: The checker code that will run to completion if the code generation is valid and otherwise throw assertion - test_inputs: List of test inputs - test_outputs: List of test outputs - language: The language of the code snippet Each batch then consists of the following the structure - input_ids: Input tensor batch x seqlen x num tokens - mode: Indicates to the model that this is an ICL task and may rely on a custom code path to properly update metrics - mode: Always set to 'generate' - labels: Exact solution for the coding problem - prompts: Prompt for the task - entry_points: List of entry points - test_inputs: List of test inputs - test_outputs: List of test outputs - languages: List of languages - pass_at_k: Passed value for pass_at_k - generation_kwargs: Dictionary of kwargs neeeded for generation. Includes the following, which will be individually overwritten by keys in generaiton_kwargs if set (see for more details): - pad_token_id: ID for padding token, derived automatically - num_beams: How many beams to search for generations, set to 1 - do_sample: Determines whether model is sampling or greedily decoding. Always set to True - use_cache: Whether or not to use past key values to speed up sampling. Always set to True Additional Args: generations_per_sample (int) (defaults to 1): The number of independently computed returned sequences for each element in the batch pass_at_k (int) (defaults to 1): k for how many chances the model gets to write passing code """ def __init__( self, generations_per_sample: int, pass_at_k: Union[int, list[int]] = 1, *args, **kwargs, ): if isinstance(pass_at_k, int): pass_at_k = [pass_at_k] if generations_per_sample < max(pass_at_k): raise ValueError( f'generations_per_sample ({generations_per_sample}) must be greater than or equal to pass_at_k ({pass_at_k}) for code evaluation.', ) batch_mapping = { 'input_ids': 'prompt', 'prompts': 'prompt_text', 'tests': 'test', 'labels': 'canonical_solution', 'entry_points': 'entry_point', 'test_inputs': 'test_inputs', 'test_outputs': 'test_outputs', 'languages': 'language', 'sample_id': 'sample_id', } # Linting complains if these are not set in init self.max_prompt_length = 0 self.max_answer_length = 0 static_keys = [ 'mode', 'pass_at_k', 'generation_length', 'generation_kwargs', 'generations_per_sample', 'dataset_size', ] list_keys = [ 'prompts', 'tests', 'entry_points', 'test_inputs', 'test_outputs', 'languages', 'labels', 'sample_id', ] tensor_keys = ['input_ids', 'attention_mask'] super().__init__( context_key='prompt', answer_key='canonical_solution', strip_dataset=False, static_keys=static_keys, list_keys=list_keys, tensor_keys=tensor_keys, tokenize_labels=False, padding_side='left', batch_mapping=batch_mapping, *args, **kwargs, ) self._set_max_prompt_and_answer_lengths() dataset_size = len(self.dataset) self.dataset = self.dataset = self.repeat_dataset(self.dataset, generations_per_sample) self.base_batch = { 'input_ids': [], 'mode': 'generate', 'labels': [], 'prompts': [], 'tests': [], 'entry_points': [], 'test_inputs': [], 'test_outputs': [], 'languages': [], 'pass_at_k': pass_at_k, 'generation_kwargs': { 'pad_token_id': self.pad_tok_id, 'num_beams': 1, # single beam 'do_sample': True, 'temperature': 0.2, # good default for code 'use_cache': True, 'eos_token_id': self.tokenizer.eos_token_id, 'max_new_tokens': min(self.max_answer_length, self.max_seq_len - self.max_prompt_length), }, 'sample_id': [], 'pass_at_k': list(pass_at_k), 'generations_per_sample': generations_per_sample, 'dataset_size': dataset_size, } if 'generation_kwargs' in kwargs: self.update_generation_kwargs(kwargs['generation_kwargs']) def repeat_dataset(self, dataset: HFDataset, repetitions: int) -> HFDataset: def _repeat_dataset(): for i, sample in enumerate(dataset): for _ in range(repetitions): assert isinstance(sample, dict) yield {'sample_id': i, **sample} from datasets import Dataset as HFDataset # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] repeated_dataset = HFDataset.from_generator(_repeat_dataset) assert isinstance(repeated_dataset, HFDataset) return repeated_dataset def _set_max_prompt_and_answer_lengths(self): """ Iterates through the dataset and finds the maximum prompt length and sequence lengths Returns: None """ max_prompt_length = 0 max_answer_length = 0 for example in self.dataset: assert isinstance(example, Dict) unpadded_example = [token for token in example[self.context_key] if token != self.pad_tok_id] max_prompt_length = max(max_prompt_length, len(unpadded_example)) tokenized_answer = self.tokenizer(example['canonical_solution'], add_special_tokens=False)['input_ids'] assert isinstance(tokenized_answer, list) len_tokenized_answer = len(tokenized_answer) max_answer_length = max(max_answer_length, len_tokenized_answer) self.max_prompt_length = max_prompt_length self.max_answer_length = max_answer_length + _MAX_ANSWER_BUFFER_LENGTH def _trim_padding(self, example: Dict): """ Adjusts padding to the maximum prompt length rather than max_seq_len. Needs to be done after the dataset has been processed because we don't know the maximum prompt length until after we've tokenized it. Returns: dataset: A HuggingFace Dataset with different padding lengths for example[self.context_key] """ # Remove padding tokens applied during tokenization unpadded_prompt = [token for token in example[self.context_key] if token != self.pad_tok_id] # Reapply padding only to max_prompt_length full_prompt = _trim_context(unpadded_prompt, [], self.max_prompt_length) padded_context = _make_padded_input(full_prompt, [], self.max_prompt_length, self.pad_tok_id, self.padding_side) example[self.context_key] = padded_context return example
[docs] def tokenize_example(self, prompt_and_fewshot: str, ctxt: str, example: Dict) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Adds extra code task details to the example dictionary. See InContextLearningDataset for more details """ tokenized_example = super().tokenize_example(prompt_and_fewshot, ctxt, example) tokenized_example['prompt_text'] = example['prompt'] tokenized_example['task_id'] = example['task_id'] tokenized_example['canonical_solution'] = example['canonical_solution'] tokenized_example['test'] = example['test'] tokenized_example['entry_point'] = example['entry_point'] tokenized_example['test_inputs'] = example['test_inputs'] tokenized_example['test_outputs'] = example['test_outputs'] tokenized_example['language'] = example['language'] return tokenized_example
def build_icl_dataloader( icl_task_type: str, dataset_uri: str, tokenizer: transformers.PreTrainedTokenizerBase, batch_size: int, max_seq_len: int, pad_tok_id: int, num_fewshot: int, prompt_string: str, # e.g. 'translate english to french:' example_delimiter: str, # e.g. '\n' continuation_delimiter: str, # e.g. '' hf_loading_vars: Dict, hf_parsing_map: Dict, destination_path: str, prelimiter: str, # e.g. 'Question: ' cot_delimiter: str, # e.g. ' ### ' fewshot_random_seed: int, pass_at_k: Union[int, list[int]], generations_per_sample: int, generation_kwargs: Dict, early_stopping_criteria: Optional[List[str]] = None, do_normalization: bool = True, ) -> DataSpec: """ Factory method that builds the specific dataset for the specified icl_task_type. See documentation for `get_icl_task_dataloader` for arugment documentation. When writing a dataset for a new task, here you will need to: 1. add the dataset to the factory and choose an appropriate string 2. set the batch size for that task (see InContextLearningMultipleChoiceTaskDataset for why this might be different) 3. set the `split_batch` funciton if necessary """ if icl_task_type == 'multiple_choice': dataset = InContextLearningMultipleChoiceTaskDataset( dataset_uri=dataset_uri, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, pad_tok_id=pad_tok_id, num_fewshot=num_fewshot, prompt_string=prompt_string, example_delimiter=example_delimiter, continuation_delimiter=continuation_delimiter, destination_path=destination_path, prelimiter=prelimiter, fewshot_random_seed=fewshot_random_seed, hf_loading_vars=hf_loading_vars, hf_parsing_map=hf_parsing_map, generation_kwargs=generation_kwargs, ) batch_size = max(dataset.num_choices, batch_size) effective_batchsize = batch_size // dataset.num_choices elif icl_task_type == 'schema': dataset = InContextLearningSchemaTaskDataset( dataset_uri=dataset_uri, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, pad_tok_id=pad_tok_id, num_fewshot=num_fewshot, prompt_string=prompt_string, example_delimiter=example_delimiter, continuation_delimiter=continuation_delimiter, destination_path=destination_path, prelimiter=prelimiter, fewshot_random_seed=fewshot_random_seed, hf_loading_vars=hf_loading_vars, hf_parsing_map=hf_parsing_map, generation_kwargs=generation_kwargs, ) batch_size = max(dataset.num_choices, batch_size) effective_batchsize = batch_size // dataset.num_choices elif icl_task_type == 'language_modeling': dataset = InContextLearningLMTaskDataset( dataset_uri=dataset_uri, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, pad_tok_id=pad_tok_id, num_fewshot=num_fewshot, prompt_string=prompt_string, example_delimiter=example_delimiter, continuation_delimiter=continuation_delimiter, destination_path=destination_path, prelimiter=prelimiter, fewshot_random_seed=fewshot_random_seed, hf_loading_vars=hf_loading_vars, hf_parsing_map=hf_parsing_map, generation_kwargs=generation_kwargs, ) effective_batchsize = batch_size elif icl_task_type == 'question_answering': dataset = InContextLearningQATaskDataset( dataset_uri=dataset_uri, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, pad_tok_id=pad_tok_id, num_fewshot=num_fewshot, prompt_string=prompt_string, example_delimiter=example_delimiter, continuation_delimiter=continuation_delimiter, destination_path=destination_path, prelimiter=prelimiter, fewshot_random_seed=fewshot_random_seed, hf_loading_vars=hf_loading_vars, hf_parsing_map=hf_parsing_map, cot_delimiter=cot_delimiter, early_stopping_criteria=early_stopping_criteria, do_normalization=do_normalization, generation_kwargs=generation_kwargs, ) effective_batchsize = batch_size elif icl_task_type == 'code_evaluation': dataset = InContextLearningCodeEvalDataset( dataset_uri=dataset_uri, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, pad_tok_id=pad_tok_id, num_fewshot=num_fewshot, prompt_string=prompt_string, example_delimiter=example_delimiter, continuation_delimiter=continuation_delimiter, destination_path=destination_path, prelimiter=prelimiter, fewshot_random_seed=fewshot_random_seed, hf_loading_vars=hf_loading_vars, hf_parsing_map=hf_parsing_map, pass_at_k=pass_at_k, generations_per_sample=generations_per_sample, generation_kwargs=generation_kwargs, ) effective_batchsize = batch_size else: raise Exception(f'Unrecognized ICL task type: {icl_task_type}') sampler = dist.get_sampler(dataset, drop_last=False, shuffle=False) split_batch = None if isinstance( dataset, ( InContextLearningMultipleChoiceTaskDataset, InContextLearningQATaskDataset, InContextLearningCodeEvalDataset, ), ): split_batch = dataset.split_batch return DataSpec( DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=effective_batchsize, sampler=sampler, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ), device_transforms=None, get_num_samples_in_batch=dataset.get_num_samples_in_batch, split_batch=split_batch, ) def partition_dataset_by_category( dataset_uri: str, destination_path: str, hf_loading_vars: Dict, hf_parsing_map: Dict, ) -> Dict[str, str]: """ If has_categories is enabled, we partition the dataset into a separate dataset for each category value in the data and write each partition to a local file. Args: dataset_uri (str): Location of dataset. destination_path (str): Base destination path, we will write a separate partition off this URI for each category. Raises: MissingConditionalImportError: If datasets not installed raise exception. Exception: If 'category' key missing from dataset, raise exception. Returns: Dict[str, str]: Mapping of category names to partitioned dataset local files names. """ try: from datasets import Dataset as HFDataset # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] from datasets import IterableDataset, load_dataset # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] except ImportError as e: raise MissingConditionalImportError( extra_deps_group='nlp', conda_package='datasets', conda_channel='conda-forge', ) from e if dataset_uri.startswith('hf://'): dataset_uri = dataset_uri.replace('hf://', '') dataset = load_dataset(dataset_uri, **hf_loading_vars) assert isinstance(dataset, HFDataset) or isinstance(dataset, IterableDataset) if hf_parsing_map: dataset_parsing_func = lambda example: { k: ' '.join([str(example[col]) for col in v]) for k, v in hf_parsing_map.items() } assert hasattr(dataset, 'column_names') dataset =, remove_columns=dataset.column_names) else: with dist.local_rank_zero_download_and_wait(destination_path): if dist.get_local_rank() == 0: get_file(dataset_uri, destination_path, overwrite=True) dataset = load_dataset('json', data_files=destination_path, split='train', streaming=False) assert isinstance(dataset, HFDataset) or isinstance(dataset, IterableDataset) assert hasattr(dataset, 'features') assert dataset.features is not None if 'category' not in dataset.features.keys(): raise Exception( f"""Attempted to partition dataset by `category` \ but it doesn't have a `category` key. \ Got keys: {str(list(dataset.features.keys()))}""", ) categories = sorted(set(dataset['category'])) # pyright: ignore[reportIndexIssue, reportGeneralTypeIssues] output_files = {} for cat in categories: path = destination_path.split('/') cat_dest = '/'.join(path[:-1]) + f'/{cat}_{path[-1]}' tmp_path_to_broadcast = str(os.path.abspath(cat_dest)) gathered_paths = dist.all_gather_object(tmp_path_to_broadcast) if dist.get_local_rank() == 0: subset = [ l for l in dataset if l['category'] == cat # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues] ] # pyright: ignore[reportArgumentType, reportCallIssue] with open(gathered_paths[0], 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: for l in subset: f.write(json.dumps(l, ensure_ascii=False) + '\n') output_files[cat] = cat_dest return output_files def get_icl_task_dataloader( icl_task_type: str, dataset_uri: str, tokenizer: Union[transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer, transformers.PreTrainedTokenizerFast], batch_size: int, max_seq_len: int, pad_tok_id: int, num_fewshot: int, prompt_string: str, # e.g. 'translate english to french:' example_delimiter: str, # e.g. '\n' continuation_delimiter: str = '', destination_path: str = '', question_prelimiter: str = '', # e.g. 'Question: ' fewshot_random_seed: int = 1234, pass_at_k: int = 1, generations_per_sample: int = 1, cot_delimiter: str = '', has_categories: bool = False, hf_loading_vars: Optional[Dict] = None, hf_parsing_map: Optional[Dict] = None, generation_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, early_stopping_criteria: Optional[List[str]] = None, do_normalization: bool = True, ) -> Union[DataSpec, Dict[str, DataSpec]]: """This constructs a dataloader (or dataloaders if has_categories is True) capable of evaluating LLMs on in-context learning language modeling tasks, for example LAMBADA. An example usage is below: .. testsetup:: import transformers from composer.models import HuggingFaceModel from composer.trainer import Trainer dataset_uri = "/tmp/dataset_uri.jsonl" dataset = RandomTextClassificationDataset(size=16, use_keys=True) train_dataloader =, batch_size=8) hf_model, tokenizer = HuggingFaceModel.hf_from_composer_checkpoint('') # At this point, hf_model is randomly initialized composer_model = HuggingFaceModel(hf_model, hf_tokenizer) Example: .. testcode:: dl = get_icl_task_dataloader( 'language_modeling', dataset_uri, tokenizer, batch_size=2, max_seq_len=2048, pad_tok_id=tokenizer.pad_token_id, num_fewshot=10, prompt_string='translate english to french', example_delimiter='\\n', continuation_delimiter='' ) eval_evaluator = Evaluator( label="lambada", dataloader=dl, metric_names=['InContextLearningLMAccuracy'] ) trainer = Trainer( model=model, train_dataloader=train_dataloader, eval_dataloader=eval_evaluator, optimizers=optimizer, max_duration="1ep", ) Args: icl_task_type (str): Name of icl_task type. One of ['multiple_choice', 'schema', 'language_modeling', 'question_answering', 'code_evaluation'] dataset_uri (str): A local path, a remote path beginning with ``s3://`` or another backend, or a HuggingFace dataset uri prepended with ``hf://``. Alternate backends must be supported by :meth:`composer.utils.maybe_create_object_store_from_uri`. A local dataset must consist of rows of JSON data points with task dependant fields. The default keys expected are "context" and "answer". tokenizer (transformers.PreTrainedTokenizerBase): The tokenizer used to map between strings and token ids. batch_size (int): Size of a batch used for eval max_seq_len (int): The maximum sequence length supported by the model. pad_tok_id (int): The special token used for padding batches. num_fewshot (int): The number of complete fewshot examples to prepend before each test example. These are not identical across examples. prompt_string (str, default = ''): Prompt string to put once before all fewshot examples/test examples (e.g. 'Translate english to french.'). example_delimiter (str, default = '\\n'): Separator inserted before (context, answer) pairs (e.g. '\\n') for fewshot sampling and prompting. continuation_delimiter: (str, default = ' '): Separator inserted between context and answer in each example (e.g. '\\nA: '). destination_path: (str, default = ''): This is the local file where remote datasets will be saved. question_prelimiter: (str, default = ''): Text to be prepended before each context, including few shot examples (e.g. "Question: "). fewshot_random_seed (int, default = 1234): Random seed to use for fewshot sampling pass_at_k (int): k for how many chances the model gets to write passing code. generations_per_sample (int): How many outputs to generate per prompt. Passed in generation_kwargs under "num_return_sequences" and overwritten by generation_kwargs dict. cot_delimiter (str): Delimiter to place between chain of thoughts and continuations. has_categories: (bool): If ``True``, we will search the dataset file for a category key, and partition the dataset into a separate dataloader for each category occurring in the data. hf_loading_vars (Dict, default = None): A dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed into `load_dataset` if dataset is being pulled from HF. hf_parsing_map (Dict, default = None): A dictionary containing a mapping from HF columns to ICL dataset keys. The dictionary should be formatted {icl_key:[hf_key1, hf_key1]}. Column contents will be concatenated with ' ' seperating them. If not included, will load the columns already present in the HF dataset. generation_kwargs (Dict, default = None): A dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed along to the model's generate function. Overwrites any previously specified generation keyword args in this fucntion (see for more details) early_stopping (List, default = None): A list of strings that, when found in a model's output, will be treated as a stopping criteria at metric computation time. Used in QA tasks with CoT do_normalization (bool, default = True): Whether or not to normalize the outputs and labels in InContextLearningQAAccuracy. Only used in QA tasks. Returns: DataLoader: A dataloader used for performing in-context learning evaluation on the dataset provided. """ if hf_loading_vars is None: hf_loading_vars = {} if hf_parsing_map is None: hf_parsing_map = {} if generation_kwargs is None: generation_kwargs = {} if early_stopping_criteria is None: early_stopping_criteria = [] if has_categories: result_dls = {} output_files = partition_dataset_by_category(dataset_uri, destination_path, hf_loading_vars, hf_parsing_map) categories = sorted(output_files.keys()) for category in categories: partition_uri = output_files[category] result_dls[category] = build_icl_dataloader( icl_task_type=icl_task_type, dataset_uri=partition_uri, tokenizer=tokenizer, batch_size=batch_size, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, pad_tok_id=pad_tok_id, num_fewshot=num_fewshot, prompt_string=prompt_string, example_delimiter=example_delimiter, continuation_delimiter=continuation_delimiter, destination_path=partition_uri + '_tmp', prelimiter=question_prelimiter, cot_delimiter=cot_delimiter, fewshot_random_seed=fewshot_random_seed, pass_at_k=pass_at_k, generations_per_sample=generations_per_sample, hf_loading_vars=hf_loading_vars, hf_parsing_map=hf_parsing_map, generation_kwargs=generation_kwargs, early_stopping_criteria=early_stopping_criteria, do_normalization=do_normalization, ) return result_dls else: return build_icl_dataloader( icl_task_type=icl_task_type, dataset_uri=dataset_uri, tokenizer=tokenizer, batch_size=batch_size, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, pad_tok_id=pad_tok_id, num_fewshot=num_fewshot, prompt_string=prompt_string, example_delimiter=example_delimiter, hf_loading_vars=hf_loading_vars, hf_parsing_map=hf_parsing_map, continuation_delimiter=continuation_delimiter, destination_path=destination_path, prelimiter=question_prelimiter, cot_delimiter=cot_delimiter, fewshot_random_seed=fewshot_random_seed, pass_at_k=pass_at_k, generations_per_sample=generations_per_sample, generation_kwargs=generation_kwargs, early_stopping_criteria=early_stopping_criteria, do_normalization=do_normalization, )